
The KCWA and Trout Unlimited began the Kettle Creek Trout In the Classroom Discovery Program in 2004. This program introduced Renovo Elementary students to Kettle Creek, through a unique experience of raising trout in the classroom while also discovering the interrelationships within a watershed community! Students learned what a watershed is, impacts to watersheds, history of their watershed and life within. They also used writing, photographing and presentation skills to share their newly found knowledge with others. At the end of the school year students released their trout into a stream where they completed water quality tests, habitat assessments and other measurements of stream health. These studies ensured that where their trout were placed they will survive.
The program has adapted over the years but KCWA has maintained a strong presence with youth in the local community. Examples of programs done for or by students include raising trout, helping with tree plantings, touring AMD treatment systems with in the watershed and helping with many other projects. Not only does this result in on the ground improvements but also the students become involved and educated about the watersheds in their back yards.
The program has adapted over the years but KCWA has maintained a strong presence with youth in the local community. Examples of programs done for or by students include raising trout, helping with tree plantings, touring AMD treatment systems with in the watershed and helping with many other projects. Not only does this result in on the ground improvements but also the students become involved and educated about the watersheds in their back yards.

While youth education is a vital part of sustaining the work of KCWA, general public education is also important. An informed and knowledgeable public provided active volunteers and supportive community. KCWA has worked to provide this education by producing a newsletter that is distributed at many local business, providing signs through out the watershed and having an active presence at local community events.
This program has been made possible by the following supporters: Kettle Creek Watershed Association, National Trout Unlimited, Keystone Central School District, Northwest PA Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Lloyd Wilson Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Kettle Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Cedar Springs Trout Hatchery, Western Clinton County Sportsmen’s Association, Clinton County Conservation District.
This program has been made possible by the following supporters: Kettle Creek Watershed Association, National Trout Unlimited, Keystone Central School District, Northwest PA Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Lloyd Wilson Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Kettle Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Cedar Springs Trout Hatchery, Western Clinton County Sportsmen’s Association, Clinton County Conservation District.